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Project 1: Self Expression Through Object

In this project, we are required to further understand our personalities and design a mask in reference to it. I chose INTROVERSION as my main focus. As an introvert, I strive to make a change and to become an extrovert that reaches out to people. My design tries to bring out the idea that I am breaking out of my comfort zone and to be someone that i want to be. Through this project, i have learnt more about myself and also about my peers. 

Final presentation board
Mock up mask
Procedure 1
Procedure 2
Procedure 3
Final Product

Project 2: Life Capsule

This project requires us to design a 24-hour use single occupancy life capsule. CHRONOSPHERE is a capsule designed for architects to complete their work in 24 hours, with the roof acting as a timer which also controls the opening of the door which automatically locks down the moment the architect enters the space. This project taught me how to intergrate scale and proportion of the human body with the design of the space. 

design proceess1
design process2
design process4
presentation board
exterior view
interior view

Project 3A: Dreamscape for the Self

This project introduces several design principles to me before proceeding to the final individual project. In this group project, students in groups of two are given a design principle in which they have to search for a building which clearly shows this design principle. My group were to do a research on base plane in which we chose the Maclaren Technology centre. After that, we were given an exercise in which we had to design a space which has the following elements: entrance, path and focal point. My group designed a spcace for concerts in which the entrance is huge, eventually narrowing down into a pathway which leads to the focal point- the stage. After building the model, we also did perspective drawings of the spaces from different angles.


presentation board
sketch model

Project 3B: Dreamscape for the Self

In this project, I am to apply all understandings from the previous projects to design a dream space for a selected idol in a selected site. This sequence consists of 2-3 spaces which is not larger than110sqm. and 15m in height. The idol i chose was Yuzuru Hanyu which is a Japanese figure skater. The main concept for my dreamspace is CAMOUFLAGE as i want to keep Yuzuru away from the attention of camara flashes and the attention of the public. There are two important spaces in this dreamspace: Gaming room and bedroom. The spaces are designed to surround the tree and are elevated from the ground which helps to hide the house in between the trees. In addtion to that, wood and glass is the main materials used to further help in camouflaging.


Yuzuru Hanyu
design process1
design process 3
design process 2
design process 4
presentation board 1
presentation board 2
presentation board 3
exterior view
interior space 1
interior space 2
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